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Due to the fact that RHEL 7 is standard "supplied" with a PHP 5.4 version, which is no longer maintained. it is not possible to native install a PHP 7.0 or PHP 7.1 environment. But, there is the possibility to use the PHP 7.X versions which RedHat supplies through the SCL ( Software Collections Library). Be aware that PHP5.6.x and PHP7.X will not operate with the default apachehttp package, you also need the SCL HTTP24 version

The Software Collections Library repository is available through the WUR Satellite environment.

use subscription manager to enable the repository:

sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms

Now the proper packages can be installed ( and maintained ) through the Yum Package manager:

sudo yum install httpd24 httpd24-mod_ssl rh-php70 rh-php70-php

Now the whole new daemon chain is installed in /opt/rh. In order to start the web-service with the new daemon first disable the "original" httpd service:

sudo systemctl stop httpd && sudo systemctl disable httpd

Next enable the new httpd24 daemon:

sudo systemctl enable httpd24-httpd

Copy ( or symlink) the original document root to the proper location:

sudo cp -pr /var/www/html/* /opt/rh/httpd24/root/var/www/html/

to test if the proper php version is active, you can insert a small phpinfo file:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

Start the httpd24 service:

sudo systemctl start httpd24-httpd

Be aware that not all prePHP7 code can be run through PHP7.x